Digital Monitoring

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Facebook a annoncé le 29 septembre le lancement d’Accounts Center, un outil destiné à relier les applications Facebook,…
Six months into the COVID-19 pandemic, restaurants’ shifts toward high-tech solutions are old news. Online…
Global cross-border payments company WorldRemit announced on Tuesday it has launched The WorldRemit…
Venture-funded automation company Rocketium has launched daVinci, an intelligence layer for its collaborative…
An end-to-end, integrated chemical research system unveiled by IBM last week gives us a glimpse of how…
Tech industry innovator Lenovo today unveiled ThinkBook Plus, the latest ThinkBook designed for the…
Les chercheurs de l'Université de Californie du Sud, aux Etats-Unis, ont mis au point un robot poids…
What if you’re a person with low vision, but for whatever reason do not have ready access to a guide…
Nvidia et l'Université de Floride collaborent pour construire le supercalculateur "le plus puissant…